ISO 41001:2018 Implementation

In a globally-competitive environment, Facility Management (FM) organizations and providers need to communicate among themselves and with interested parties using common principles, concepts and terms, including the assessment and measurement of performance. This is the primary driver for, and purpose of the standard ISO 41001:2018.

This two-day course will equip you with the required skills to conduct a base-line review of your organization’s current position and implement the key principles of ISO 41001. Using a step-by-step approach, you’ll learn how to develop an implementation plan, create necessary documentation and monitor your Facility Management System (FMS).

How will I benefit?

This course will help you:

  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness, thus improving cost benefits to organizations and service consistency
  • Operate using a recognized common platform for all types of organizations
  • Become familiar with a typical framework for implementing an FMS. This should form a sound basis for your implementation efforts and benefit your organization
  • Recognize where adjustments might need to be made, according to this framework, to accommodate your situation and progress to date
  • Increase your knowledge of the key concepts and requirements of ISO 41001, from an implementation perspective
  • Conduct your own baseline review of your organization’s current position regarding ISO 41001, and implement key concepts and requirements relating to ISO 41001

*Nos formations sont éligibles à la prise en charge par les opérateurs de compétences (OPCO), si vous souhaitez en bénéficier, merci de nous informer lors de votre inscription.

**Veuillez noter que, pour les sessions inter, vous avez jusqu’à 48h avant le début de la session pour vous valider votre inscription. Pour les sessions intra, le délai est de deux semaines avant le début de la session.

***Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, veuillez nous contacter pour procéder à votre inscription : par email à ou par téléphone au 01 80 46 17 91.