Planet Mark use ISO Net Zero Guidelines to turn ambition to action on net zero

Planet Mark

“The ISO Net Zero Guidelines are the first and only set of recommendations to offer end-to-end guidance in achieving net zero. They encompass the knowledge of a diverse set of expert stakeholders meaning users of the guidelines can be assured they are following best practice.”

Andrew Griffiths, Director of Policy and Partnerships, Planet Mark

Planet Mark were one of the 1,200+ expert organizations involved in the stakeholder workshops to develop the ISO Net Zero Guidelines. This wide-ranging and inclusive consultation process, facilitated by BSI, is one of the key reasons Planet Mark place their trust in the ISO Net Zero Guidelines. With input from hundreds of knowledgeable individuals and organisations, the detailed and fast-moving collaboration led to the first whole life journey set of guidelines for planning, setting targets, and ultimately achieving net zero.

“BSI understood the sense of urgency for a set of credible, expertly informed guidelines on net zero. To address this need they coordinated a collaboration of hundreds of specialists to deliver the ISO Net Zero Guidelines through an effective, fast-paced and detailed consultation.”

Andrew Griffiths, Director of Policy and Partnerships, Planet Mark

Having been a highly engaged contributor to the collaborative development process, Planet Mark were keen to progress from ambition to action and become an early adopter of the ISO Net Zero Guidelines. Mapping the guidelines to their own net zero programme and services enabled Planet Mark to conduct an informed gap analysis and refine their programme accordingly. As a result, Planet Mark were able to reinforce their approach to Scope 3 emissions, identify new methods to produce documented evidence of compliance, improve their due diligence process with partner providers, and give further credibility to their requirements for certification.

Planet Mark’s experience using the ISO Net Zero Guidelines demonstrates how they can support organizations at all levels of net zero maturity to accelerate progress towards a sustainable world. For organizations like Planet Mark, the Guidelines act as a credible reference to validate methodology for targets and actions, to identify gaps, and to broaden their scope. For organizations just starting out, the Guidelines can provide a step-by-step roadmap.

Having been involved in their development and now their adoption, Planet Mark believe the ISO Net Zero Guidelines are a credible and effective resource to support organizations as they turn ambition into action on net zero.

“The ISO Net Zero Guidelines have been authored to deliver recommendations that are easy to understand and implement, making them accessible and applicable to all organizations looking for guidance to achieve net zero.”

Andrew Griffiths, Director of Policy and Partnerships, Planet Mark

About Planet Mark

Planet Mark is a sustainability certification for every type of organization. Planet Mark certification recognises continuous improvement, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals who make a world of difference.

Through their certification, Planet Mark help organizations to strengthen Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies, contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and set credible net zero carbon targets that align with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)’s Net-Zero Corporate Standard.