Webinar: Restoring passenger confidence via certification to industry guidelines for public health

Are you looking to rebuild trust in the travelling public? Developed in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, BSI has launched the new Aviation Public Health Protocols – Certification of Compliance Scheme to help enable aviation organizations to rebuild confidence in air travel, and to drive resilience and sustainability for the sector via the independent certification of compliance against global industry guidelines and standards for public health.

The scheme provides airports, ground handlers, commercial airlines and cargo airlines with a best practice approach to mitigating public health risks, helping build trust that facilities and infrastructure meet global guidelines.

Join BSI’s Global Head of Aerospace, Brendon Hill, for this live webinar where he will cover:

  • How the scheme can help build trust with passengers
  • Which aviation industry guidelines the scheme covers
  • The steps involved to achieve certification of compliance
  • How Qatar’s Hamad International Airport leveraged their certification to demonstrate to passengers that its facilities are safe

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