
Fintech overview

Financial technologies (Fintech) integrate finance and technology to provide a variety of new disruptive financial models, products and services to business and to consumers.

The UK’s fintech market is estimated to be worth around £20bn annually, and it is the stated aim of the UK Government to further drive fintech’s growth to benefit the UK’s economy, financial services industry and consumers.


A Roadmap for Fintech Standards

In 2016 BSI commissioned research to explore how standards might support the development of the UK fintech industry. The research, prepared by Finextra and in consultation with the industry, was designed to identify drivers for standards development and areas where standards could have significant impact.

The research findings, which include a number of priority areas and recommendations, have been published in a report titled ‘A Roadmap for Fintech Standards’ available for download in two versions.

Fintech Report - Executive Version

To download a copy of the full version of the report, please complete and submit the form below: