BSI welcomes the 'British energy security strategy’

Scott Steedman, Director-General, Standards, BSI, said:

“BSI welcomes the publication of the government’s ‘British energy security strategy’ this month which sets out plans to secure a reliable flow of clean and affordable energy for the country. We see consensus, stakeholder-led standards that meet the needs of consumers, industry and regulators as a powerful tool to accelerate implementation of the strategy both for existing technology and to build trust in new and emerging technologies.

“We are already working with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and others to deliver the Hydrogen Skills and Standards for Heat Programme that will enable the UK’s future hydrogen village trial and town pilot. The standards that we are developing as part of this work will establish an agreed set of principles, requirements and guidance on functionality, safety, operating and servicing requirements for ancillary equipment, pipework, materials, meters and appliances.

“Our Energy Smart Appliances Standards Programme, where we have worked with BEIS, the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles and industry, is facilitating the uptake of safe, secure and interoperable Energy Smart Appliances (ESAs), including electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints, for the active management of demand on the electricity network. The standards provide a technical specification for an ESA and a code of practice for the demand side response environment in which the ESA can operate.

“In our role as the National Standards Body, we want to ensure that the UK’s new energy mix of hydrogen, wind, solar, nuclear, oil and gas is underpinned by British and International Standards that represent best practice agreed by all affected stakeholders. If we work together on this, I am very confident we will deliver a much faster outcome.”