BSI comments on National Grid’s announcement on spare energy capacity hitting a new low

David Fatscher, Head of Market Development for Sustainability, BSI

“Following warnings from the National Grid on spare capacity in the network possibly falling to a seven year low, businesses should consider how they can use existing standards as an immediate step to improve their energy efficiency.

“The impending energy shortages this winter are risks that could significantly destabilise UK plc. Faced with the risk not only of energy shortages but also potential blackouts, businesses must embed good energy management practices which will not only enhance their energy performance, but save money and reduce pressure on the network.  

“Standards can help organizations implement effective energy management solutions, spot anomalies in power usage and reduce energy consumption which in turn can deliver real cost savings. A recent study by BSI found that Sheffield Hallam University was spending £2.5m per year on electricity alone. By adopting the international Energy Management standard (BS EN ISO 50001), they were able to reduce carbon emissions from electricity use by 6% in five months, resulting in energy savings over £50,000. Changes such as these can make a significant dent in the UK’s energy woes.

“So, while additional measures are being taken by the government, businesses must also take responsibility for their energy usage today before fluctuating energy costs impact their bottom line.”