Carbon reduction easier for UK organizations

Press release: 22 July 2010

BSI has announced the launch of its new BSI Kitemark™ scheme for Energy Reduction Verification (ERV) which will independently verify and certify those organisations that achieve a reduction in carbon emissions through lower energy use. The Environment Agency has approved the scheme as one of the Early Action Metrics that contribute to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, the UK's mandatory climate change and energy saving scheme.

The Kitemark scheme provides organisations both large and small with a measurable means of reducing energy usage; acting as an Early Action Metric that public and private sector organisations may adapt to achieve and demonstrate carbon reductions. At a time when UK Plcs' carbon footprint is coming under increasing scrutiny, the scheme also allows organisations to present clear and independent information about their energy use performance for stakeholders including investors, regulators, specifiers and consumers.

The scheme draws on the BSI Kitemark™ brand - recognised and trusted by over 82% of the UK population* - and provides a simpler and more comprehensive alternative to both the Carbon Trust and CEMAR standards which do not guarantee or provide the structure around which long term reductions can be identified, managed and realised. Importantly, the BSI Kitemark™ scheme for ERV is also the only Early Action Metric to be based on the implementation of an energy management system - BS EN 16001- which demands more of organisations in that continual improvement and the ongoing identification of energy reduction opportunities is required.

Unlike other schemes, the BSI Kitemark™ scheme has been designed specifically with CRC requirements in mind so requires that only Greenhouse Gas emissions from energy use are taken into account; allowing organisations to focus solely on their energy emissions rather than have carbon resulting from transport and other sources complicate measurements.

Around 20,000 large and public and private sector organisations will be involved in the CRC scheme on some level; however an estimated 5,000 organisations will be required by the Government to participate. Participation requires organisations to disclose carbon emissions and purchase allowances for each tonne of CO2 they emit. A league table will rank organisations according to their emissions reductions and whether they have adopted any ‘Early Action Metrics’. However, the BSI Kitemark™ scheme can also be used by organisations that, while not required to participate in the CRC, may wish to step up to BSI Kitemark™ verification to validate the output and effectiveness of their energy management systems.

Carbon reduction made easier for UK organizations

Rob Wallis, Managing Director, BSI, EMEA region, explains what this new BSI Kitemark™ scheme will mean for UK organisations: “With energy reduction high on the agenda and new government initiatives being brought in to reduce carbon emissions and climate change, organisations are looking more closely at what they can do to make changes.”

“With the publication of a list of the best performing organisations in an annual performance league table, the scheme provides a great way for organisations to promote their commitment to reducing energy – while making considerable savings from reducing their energy costs. With the BSI Kitemark™ indicating a reputable company to 88% of the UK population organisations can gain real competitive and advantage as well as credibility with this scheme.”

The Environment Agency’s CRC Project Executive Andrew Hitchings said: “We are pleased to announce BSI Kitemark™ as a Carbon Trust Standard equivalent scheme under the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme. Along with the Carbon Trust Standard and CEMARS, BSI Kitemark™ allows organisations who are leading the way in environmental management to be rewarded for their early action."

“CRC is an opportunity for organisations to show what they have already achieved in reducing emissions through early action and provides an incentive to achieve the further reductions which are necessary in the future.”

* Statistics from GfK NOP Survey of 1,000 UK adults