BSI Certifies Telefónica O2 to Business Continuity Standard

Press release - 13 January 2010

BSI today announces that Telefónica O2 UK Limited has become the first mobile phone operator to achieve certification to BS 25999, the business continuity management system standard, for all of its UK business undertakings.

O2 has achieved the standard in recognition of the robust processes it has put in place to ensure continuity of service for enterprise and consumer customers in the event of unexpected incidents, such as power failures or natural disasters.

BS 25999 certification from BSI demonstrates that the company’s business continuity management systems follow internationally recognised best-practice methodologies. The achievement of BS 25999 certification across the whole organisation is a positive commitment from O2 to deliver continuous and connected telephony services to its customers. It also provides assurances to customers that the essential voice services are subject to stringent controls and a cycle of continual self-assessment to identify, manage and mitigate potential threats.

In addition to minimising the risk of network downtime, achieving the standard also supports O2’s role as an essential service provider in the event that a state of emergency is declared by the authorities, in accordance with the Civil Contingencies Act.

“Achieving BS 25999 certification with BSI is evidence of our level of commitment to providing a reliable and efficient service to our customers. BS 25999 demonstrates the quality of the systems that we have in place to support our customers’ needs,” explains David Clarke, Business Continuity Manager at Telefónica O2 UK Limited.

About BSI

BSI (British Standards Institution) is a global organization that equips businesses with the necessary solutions to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence. Formed in 1901, BSI was the world’s first National Standards Body and a founding member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Over a century later it continues to facilitate business improvement across the globe by helping its clients drive performance, reduce risk and grow sustainably through the adoption of international management systems standards, many of which BSI originated. Famed for its marks of excellence including the instantly recognizable Kitemark®, BSI’s influence spans multiple sectors including aerospace, construction, energy, engineering, finance, healthcare, IT and retail. With over 70,000 clients in 150 countries, BSI is an organization whose standards inspire excellence across the globe.