BSI launches online data protection tool


16 September 2009

BSI, the global standards and assessment provider, today launches BSI Data Protection Online, an online tool designed to help organizations with the effective management of personal information.

Recent research carried out by BSI* found that many organizations are falling behind in their approach to data protection. Almost one in five organizations surveyed admitted to unwittingly breaching the Data Protection Act.

The new online self-assessment tool offers guidance and self-assessment in support of BS 10012, the data protection standard published by BSI earlier this year. The standard provides a framework which enables effective management of personal information, paving the way for an infrastructure for maintaining and improving compliance with data protection legislation.

BSI Data Protection Online enables an organization to systematically work through its Personal Information Management System (PIMS), testing strengths and identifying areas for improvement. This process develops confidence in procedures and practices and will ultimately help deliver a better service to customers. 

Specifically, this self-contained and secure resource will allow you to:
• Undertake a self-assessment process against the requirements of BS 10012
• Get contextual help throughout the process, written by data protection experts
• Start new, or amend existing, self-assessments whenever needed allowing you to track your progress
• Share self-assessments with colleagues and embed data protection best practice within your organization.

The resource also features a regularly-updated reference library of guidance, including case studies and topical commentaries written by data protection experts which will be updated monthly.

The tool is applicable to any organization that holds personal information, regardless of its size, complexity and sector. It has been specifically designed for use across multiple sites and with multiple users so you can manage data protection legislation compliance in any jurisdiction for outsourced and cross-border activities. Or you can just as easily use it as a stand-alone application.

Mike Low, Director, Standards, BSI, said: “Our recent survey showed that there are many organizations out there struggling with data protection. With the Information Commissioner’s growing compulsory audit powers it is more important than ever to make sure that your data protection practices are up to scratch. If you hold personal information, whether it relates to staff, clients, customers or members, you need to be familiar with current legislation and confident that your own organization measures up. The BSI Data Protection Online tool provides an efficient and comprehensive framework within which an organization can assess its progress towards a recognized standard.”

For further information or to speak to a sales representative please email with your details or tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001.

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Notes to Editors
*Opinion Matters/ survey, May 2009

For media information:
Lucy Fulton
Public Relations Officer, BSI
Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 7248
Mob: +44 (0)7717 451990

About BSI
BSI is a global independent business services organization that inspires confidence and delivers assurance to over 80,000 customers with standards-based solutions. Originating as the world’s first national standards body, BSI has over 2,300 staff operating in over 120 countries through more than 50 global offices. BSI’s key offerings are:

• The development and sale of private, national and international standards and supporting information that promote and share best practice
• Second and third-party management systems assessment and certification in all critical areas of management disciplines
• Testing and certification of services and products for Kitemark and CE marking to UK, European and International standards. BSI is a Notified Body for 15 New Approach EU Directives
• Certification of high-risk, complex medical devices
• Performance management software solutions
• Training services in support of standards implementation and business best practice.

For further information please visit