What's your brand worth? BSI calls for comments on world's first brand valuation standard


24 July 2009

Most people can recognize a strong brand when they see one – it’s authentic, different and relevant. But how do you put a price on such an intangible asset? An international standard in the making will enable organizations to do just that, providing a consistent, reliable approach to brand valuation. BSI is now calling for comments on the draft standard from all interested parties.

Developed by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) with input from BSI in the UK, ISO/DIS 10668 specifies the requirements for procedures and methods of monetary brand value measurement. Aimed at both brand consultants, and finance and marketing professionals, publication of the final standard is expected in summer 2010.

General requirements of the standard include transparency of the process, which will allow organizations to better understand the methods used in valuing their assets and increase confidence in the services offered by brand consultants.

The draft standard specifies the requirements for three approaches to brand valuation:
• The Income Approach which measures the value of the brand by reference to the present value of its economic benefits
• The Market Approach which measures the value of the brand based on what other purchasers in the market have paid for similar assets
• The Cost Approach which measures the value of the brand based on the cost invested in it.

Valuation inputs include assessments of market data, brand strength (usually based on factors such as awareness and loyalty), brand relevance in its specific market and legal aspects, such as rights.

David Haigh, CEO of valuation consultancy, Brand Finance, said: 
“Brands are the largest single source of intangible assets yet, historically, brand valuation has been viewed as opaque, subjective and unreliable – a bit of a black art.  The ISO standard recognizes this and attempts to create a consensus on how brands should be valued.

The draft standard represents global best practice in brand valuation and marks a huge step forward in a vital area of management concern. I urge all interested parties to review and comment on the draft.”

David Haigh is CEO of Brand Finance plc, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Marketing Society, which he represented on the ISO working party.