BSI issues first BS EN 16001 Energy Management certificate in Asia-Pacific


22 October 2009

BSI, the global standards, certification and assessment provider, has issued Asia-Pacific’s first certificate to BS EN 16001, the European energy management standard published in July. It was awarded to LG, one of the world’s largest electronics companies.  

LG’s implementation of BS EN 16001 plays an important part in its drive to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and tackle existing environmental damage.  The standard, published by BSI, and subsequent training provided by BSI enabled LG to develop and implement an energy policy, identify significant areas of energy consumption and target energy reductions with energy efficiency initiatives not only in manufacturing but also in their offices, and research facilities.
Established in 1997, LG is India’s market leader in consumer durables and mobile communications.  It has state of the art manufacturing facilities across India where it manufactures televisions, washing machines, air conditioners, microwave ovens, PC monitors, refrigerators and mobile phones.
Mr Raju, Assistant General Manager at LG’s plant in Greater Noida said:
“The corporate target is for a 5.2% reduction in GHG emissions by 2020. The BS EN 16001 standard will assist us in a managed reduction of energy consumption which will directly help us meet our emission targets.”

Venkataram Arabolu, Managing Director, BSI India, said:
“I am delighted to announce that BSI has certified LG to BS EN 16001 to the European energy management systems standard. This is a key standard for any organization wishing to tackle greenhouse gas emissions and reduce costs. LG’s latest achievement builds on their solid environmental record to systematically manage its energy and meet established targets.”

BS EN 16001 in Practice
BS EN 16001, a European standard published by BSI in the UK, is based on an established methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act. The requirements necessary to implement the standard include:
Plan: Identify energy aspects and legal obligations and establish energy objectives and targets.
Do: Assign resources and responsibilities; raise organizational awareness and provide training; communicate internally and externally; establish documentation; implement operational controls.
Check: Establish the monitoring of energy management programme; evaluate compliance with legal obligations; identify and manage non-conformance; control records; carry out internal audits of the energy management system.
Act: Review of energy management system by top management resulting in potential changes.   

BS EN 16001 has been replaced by ISO 50001, find out more and buy a copy of the standard at the BSI Shop
Find out more about training and certification to this standard