Transforming blue sky thinking into bottom line benefits

Press release - 3 March 2008

Is your organization missing out through not managing innovation? Ever wondered how to convert that flash of genius into profit? A forthcoming conference and revised standard from BSI British Standards will show you how to get the very best from bright ideas.

In an increasingly tough global economy, innovation in the design of products, services and processes is vital to maintaining a competitive edge and driving profits. But how much untapped potential is your organization missing out on through having poorly developed processes for managing innovation? Organizations with a long-term framework for managing innovation are more likely to react faster to new developments, manage change and achieve success in the future.

Mastering Innovation Management is a one-day BSI conference taking place on 2 April 2008 at the Lewis Media Centre in London. Attendees of the conference will get an in-depth look at the newly revised BS 7000-1 Design Management Systems – Guide to Managing Innovation and find out how to effectively manage the innovation process. There will also be guidance on best practice in the practical application of BS 7000-1 and a session on Government support of innovation.

Key presenters at the event include:

  • Professor Peter Swann, Nottingham University Business School
  • Dr Tim Bradshaw, CBI
  • Dr David Evans, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
  • Alan Topalian, Alto Design Management and technical author of BS 7000-1

This conference will be of importance to all senior executives responsible for setting and implementing company strategy and procedures for innovation management, including:

  • Heads of new product development
  • Research and development directors
  • Chief technology officers
  • Directors of strategy
  • Business development managers

The newly revised BS 7000-1, which is included in the cost of the conference, gives guidance on managing innovation, specifically the development of innovative and competitive products that will satisfy the customer’s perceived needs in the future. It can be used by those with overall responsibility for an organization's well being to plan future product strategies and so help ensure long-term survival.

The conference will be followed by optional day-long workshops on 3 April. Delegates will be able to choose between:

  • Workshop A: ‘Understanding an Applying BS 7000-1:2008 – Managing Innovation to Facilitate Quick and Flexible Exploitation of Opportunities’
  • Workshop B: ‘Organizational Policies to Encourage Innovation’