Kitemark® for Road Signs: The Route to Compliance


23 April 2007

BSI are pleased to announce the launch of the Kitemark scheme for road traffic signs to assist manufacturers comply with new European Legislation EN12899-1. The Kitemark can be assigned to the reflective material, the entire sign, plus the construction of the sign and there are already Kitemark licensees on the scheme.

Road signs have been identified as “High Risk” under the Construction Products Directive (CPD) because of their function of informing and warning the motorist. This being so, they must be independently assessed to gain the required CE mark in the very near future.

Kitemark® value for purchasing and specifying…

This new Kitemark scheme will allow purchasing and specifying functions to identify those manufacturers who are already complying with the future requirements of the new Directive, and are adhering to strict quality processes, such as ISO 9000, to ensure the continuing high standard of their products.

Those responsible for purchasing and specifying such products choose Kitemark because of the benefits of reducing the risk through using safe, quality products, increase their confidence that their chosen product will meet or exceed performance standards and save time by making prompt yet informed decisions that they can trust.

Kitemark® benefits for manufacturers…

The Kitemark scheme is also available to the manufacturers of the retroreflective material used in sign making. The scheme based on the performance requirements of the standard will help the material manufacturers to meet the requirements for CE marking which will be applicable to their product. Sign manufacturers can drastically reduce the cost of Kitemark certification by using Kitemark-certified material in their manufacturing process.

The Kitemark scheme mirrors the requirements for CPD allowing manufacturers to be one step ahead and achieve due diligence in advance of the transition to CE marking.

“Manufacturers choose Kitemark because it offers them real competitive advantage” says Steve Hamon, Head of Engineering at BSI. “Kitemark certification has been shown time and time again to lead to growth in revenue through customer confidence that can win more contracts, increased profit by allowing manufacturers to compete on quality and not price and reduced risk through a company’s total commitment to safety.”

Interest in the scheme is already encouraging with a number of applications in the pipeline from those who truly want to be one step ahead. There are approximately 500 sign manufacturers in the UK and a smaller number of micro prismatic material manufacturers.

For more information visit the website at



About the Kitemark®:
The Kitemark is one of the most respected product quality marks in the world, demonstrating that a wide range of products from lighting to fire extinguishers conform to standards, ensuring that vital safety and performance requirements are met.

The word Kitemark and the Kitemark logo are registered trade marks of BSI. A combination of a quality based system, such as BS EN ISO 9001 or a similar quality system, with advanced product/service testing provide the basis for a Kitemark scheme offering trust, integrity and quality.

BSI Product Services:

With its Global HQ in Hemel Hempstead, BSI Product Services is the testing and certification arm of the world-renowned British Standards Institution (BSI). BSI’s testing and certification capabilities are amongst the most highly-rated in the world. BSI provides product/service testing and certification to UK, European and International standards and is the UKAS accredited Notified Body for 17 of the New Approach EU Directives.

The British Standards Institution, an independent, non-governmental body established more than 100 years ago, has tremendous experience in the creation and implementation of all types of standards, both in the UK and globally. BSI currently operates in over 100 counties and has been recognised as a Business Superbrand since 2005 acknowledging that it is an organisation with the “finest reputation in its field… offering its customers significant emotional and/or tangible benefits over its competitors.” (Source: Business Superbrands council criteria for judging)

Contact: Claire Lynam, Marketing & Communications Manager, BSI Product Services, Tel: 01442 278527 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01442 278527 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or