BSI accredit training standard with the MOD

Press release - 14 February 2004

A major step forward in the MOD’s programme of continual improvement has taken place. BSI Group has worked with the MOD to greatly enhance the way it quality assures its defence training needs for all employees, both civil service and service personnel alike.

Using the principles of the much-lauded ISO 9001:2000 quality management system, this private standard for Defense Systems Approach to Training (DSAT) has been established to improve the procurement and provision of training services, and bring more clarity as to what is needed and how it should be provided.

The standard, which was developed from an in-depth, internal MOD project, will be used as a basic provision for the standard of training, to be applied to both internal and external suppliers. The use of the standard during the tender process will ensure increased value for money and maintain a recognizable, high standard that all suppliers must meet.

A strong dedication in ensuring quality

BSI believes the MOD is demonstrating a strong dedication in both ensuring quality and open and fair competition in the provision of services. Mike Low, director at BSI British Standards, notes: “The provision of training and education in the defence sector, as anywhere, is of the utmost importance. In choosing to work with BSI, the MOD has shown it is committed to providing a consistently high standard and getting the best possible value for money in the tendering process.”

The Director General Training and Education, Rear Admiral Simon Goodall CBE, of the MOD comments: “The BSI approach and its reputation for thoroughness and integrity adds further credibility and confidence to the MOD’s desire to ensure the highest standard of education and training in all parts of the armed forces and MOD civil service. Delivering the best training means the best opportunity for British troops to develop and therefore maintain our position among the world’s most advanced and highly trained armed forces. Our training and education totally underpins our operational and business needs.”

BSI’s involvement saw the Professional Standards Services team working with the MOD over a six-month period in order to add further credibility to the standard. The value of a high standard of training is something the MOD recognises and is keen to promote.