The first greenhouse gas verification in Canada: BP is verified by BSI


3 November 2004

BP Canada Chemical Company has been awarded the first greenhouse gas emissions verification certificate in the Americas by BSI Management Systems Americas, Western Canada Region.

“This represents the beginning of a new era in fulfilling the Kyoto Protocol within the chemicals sector, and I fully support both our global as well as our regional initiatives,” stated Mr Brian E. Frank, President and Chief Executive Officer, BP Canada.

Mr Donald Austin, General Manager of BP Canada, Joffre Plant, which is situated north of Calgary stated: “Canada has set itself a major commitment for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2012 compared with the emissions recorded in 1990. BP has globally been very proactive in its overall commitment to safeguard the environment and has proven this by its investment in the state-of-the art technology at our plant in Joffre. The verification by BSI has not only added value to the way we manage and reduce greenhouse gases but also enhances our credibility through an independent verification of our climate challenge programme.“   
BP has been active in Canada since 1948. The Joffre plant started operations in September 2001and manufactures 250,000 tonnes per year of Linear Alpha Olefins (LAO) – a family of chemical intermediates that are typically clear, colourless and used by downstream industries to produce polyethylene, synthetic motor oil, detergents, lubricants and drilling fluids. The BP Joffre plant is one of three of its kind in the world for its highly advanced technological & novel design status. It is capable of a further 50% expansion with little impact on the plant’s present footprint. Operating as BP Canada Chemical Company, the Joffre LAO Plant is a member of the BP Group, which is one of the world’s largest petroleum and petrochemical companies with well-established global operations. 

Mr Gary Pearsons, President of BSI Management Systems Americas, highlighted: “BSI has been instrumentally involved with the Kyoto Protocol since 1997. To date BSI Management Systems has verified greenhouse gas reduction allowances in Europe and Japan equivalent to excess of $200 million. We have been working with both the British and Japanese governments and recently with the European Union for the establishment of the emissions trading schemes and pilot work on the projects validation and verification of the UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). BSI Management Systems will grow to add value, credibility and innovativeness to businesses in their challenge with the Climate Change requirements. We also aim to work closely with the Canadian government and provincial organisations in support of their creation of best practice in climate change policy setting and implementation.”   

Mr Chuck Obst, the Environmental coordinator at BP Joffre plant highlighted: “BSI’s verification  was very efficient, value-adding in identifying existing and potential risks in our energy, fuel and emission systems but also robust and forward-looking – very much aligned to our aspirations here in BP. This verification is a significant boost to our environmental and Responsible Care® programme.”          

“Having pioneered the global best practice of Green House Gas Emissions Verification in the UK,  Japan and Canada, we are now well positioned to support governments and organisations to fulfil their Kyoto Protocol commitments” concluded Flemming Norklit, Managing Director, BSI Management Systems. 

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