Azerbaijan and BSI work towards higher standards


22 November 2004

BSI Inspectorate has opened a new state of the art laboratory in Baku, making Azerbaijan the first country in the region to commit to the adoption and harmonisation of international standards.

The adoption of international standards will help Azerbaijan to play a much more influential role in the global economy and will enhance the prospects of the country entering into the WTO and EU. Azerbaijan is in the process of rapid development in all sectors, not just the oil industry, and therefore commensurate development in quality control is of paramount importance.

The new state of the art facility will provide high-quality testing of petroleum, water, spirits, food and metals. The laboratory is not only a unique facility to the Caspian Region but is one of the most advanced in the world. It will play a key role in the rise in competitiveness of export products from Azerbaijan, while at the same time protecting consumers from counterfeit, low quality products from around the region.

Azerbaijan’s commitment to international standards has received support at the very highest level. Attending the opening ceremony, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev expressed his great pleasure at working with BSI to create the new facility: “Our collaboration with this foreign company is very positive and their investment in both the oil and non-oil sector is very encouraging and important to our country’s progress in the international arena.”

Director of British Standards, Mike Low added: “The opening of this facility is much more than the opening of a new laboratory. It demonstrates Azerbaijan’s commitment to raising standards to an international level across many business sectors.”

For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR

Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330