Dangerous Substances - Handle With Care


17 October 2003

BSI calls on businesses to implement OHSAS 18001 during European Week for Health and Safety at Work

Occupational Health and Safety (H&S) has been highlighted this week to encourage organisations to ensure the wellbeing of their employees. With a focus on dangerous substances, European Week for Health and Safety at work aims to address the dangers that workers face daily.

About 32 million workers in the European Union (EU) - almost a quarter of those employed - are exposed to cancer-causing agents, while 22% of workers report that they are breathing fumes and vapours at work for at least a quarter of their working time.

Occupational H&S management system OHSAS 18001 provides a significant step for organisations to ensure protection of their workforce. BSI Management Systems has issued 320 certificates of compliance to OHSAS 18001 world wide, almost 200 of which are issued to organisations within the EU. This figure is expected to double in 2004 as more organisations begin to realise the benefits of managing occupational H&S.

The implementation of OHSAS 18001 enables organisations to analyse and control occupational risks to H&S, including the potential hazards introduced by dangerous substances. The standard also provides a process for continually controlling and improving performance to meet the ever-growing and strict H&S legislation.

Neil Hannah of BSI Management Systems says, "Health and Safety standards protect both business and employee needs. OHSAS 18001 assists a company to safeguard its reputation and operate more seamlessly. The ultimate goal of any H&S management system is an accident-free workforce and, of course, a happier, safer work place is more productive."


For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330