Director of British Standards David Lazenby appointed


December 31, 2001

David Lazenby, Director of British Standards, has been recognised by Her Majesty the Queen with his appointment as a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the New Year's Honours list.

He was invested with the honour of CBE in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace in London. This senior award is bestowed on a few people who have given outstanding service to public or commercial life, both at national and international level. He received the award from HRH Charles, the Prince of Wales.

The ceremony was held on the hottest day of the year, and was attended by some 200 people accompanying the recipients. The band of the Household Cavalry played during the proceedings, which were very splendid, and lasted two hours. HRH Charles, The Prince of Wales, raised some interesting issues during his conversation with David Lazenby, including concerns over complexity of some standards work, and the relationship between national, European and International standards.

The honour was bestowed for David Lazenby's "services to national and international standardization". He has stated that he hopes that this honour will help to raise the profile of the work which the standards community undertakes for society.

David Lazenby is clear that "the great challenges facing standardization include the need to increase our relevance to the market and connections to our stakeholders, as well as threats to our income from electronic/online availability of standards. We shall undoubtedly be very busy in the coming years".

The CBE is in recognition of his contribution to standards work over many years, particularly since 1998, as Director of British Standards.

David Lazenby said of the recognition, “It was a great distinction for me to receive the CBE in the New Year Honours. This reflects the inspiration and hard work of the whole team over the last few years.

“British Standards has become a world leader amongst standards bodies, particularly in terms of our international profile, innovation, and market relevance in all that we do. As part of a strong BSI group, this recognition of our work for the UK is very gratifying," he added.

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330