How standards can help you to manage IT and cyber security incidents

British Standards contain the combined knowledge of experienced UK subject experts often working together with their international colleagues in an open, consensus-based process.

You can read a description of these standards and some other relevant publications that are available from BSI or other organizations below:


Standard number/name Description/Benefits Published by
BS ISO/IEC 27002 Code of practice for information security controls BS ISO/IEC 27002 covers managing security incidents and wider business continuity issues, as well as backing up data. BSI
BS ISO/IEC 27035 Information security incident management BS ISO/IEC 27035 covers incident management in detail. A new version is under development which will have three separate parts. ISO/IEC 27035-1 will deal with principles; ISO/IEC 27035-2 will explain planning in advance of incidents; while ISO/IEC 27035-3 will deal with incident response BSI
SP 800-61, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide Also worth a read is the US National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication SP 800-61, Computer Security Incident Handling Guide. US National Institute of Standards and Technology
BS ISO/IEC 27037 Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition, and preservation of digital evidence BS ISO/IEC 27037 explains how to deal with malicious online activity. BSI
ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence An alternative source of advice is the ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, which is published by the Association of Chief Police Officers Association of Chief Police Officers
BS ISO 22301 Business continuity management systems requirements Planning for cyber incidents is part of the wider process of business continuity management. Here BS ISO 22301 offers sound advice BSI
BS ISO 22313 Business continuity management systems guidance Recovering from cyber incidents is also part of the wider process of business continuity management. BS ISO 22313 is the standard covering this area. BSI
BS ISO/IEC 27031 Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity BS ISO/IEC 27031 is the planning standard to help organizations ensure that their cyber systems meet their business continuity needs. BSI