
BSI 隐私声明——适用于普通用户与客户

BSI 隐私声明——适用于职位申请者




欢迎访问 BSI中国主页。本网页由英标管理体系认证(北京)有限公司和 英标认证技术培训(北京)有限公司(单独或合称为“BSI中国”)所有和运营。我们的目的在于向您介绍 BSI中国并为您提供本地服务。BSI中国由英国标准机构(“BSI”)在中国的子公司和分公司组成。 BSI是一家专门从事认证及相关业务的全球运营公司。如果您对 BSI在其他国家和地区的运营和服务感兴趣,请参阅您感兴趣的国家或地区的网页。

Welcome to the main page of BSI China. This is the webpage owned and operated by BSI Management Systems Certification (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and BSI Certification Technology Training (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (individually and collectively, “BSI China”), and is intended to introduce BSI China and provide you with services available in this country. BSI China consists of subsidiaries and branches in China of The British Standards Institution (“BSI”), which is a globally operated company specializing in certification and related businesses. If you are interested in BSI’s operations and services in other countries and regions, please refer to the webpage of such country or region of your interest.

我们非常重视您的隐私。本隐私保护声明旨在阐明您所享有的权利并回答您可能对自己的个人信息保护提出的任何疑问。如您需要了解更多信息,请联系:PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.cominfochina@bsigroup.com,或拨打400 005 0046

We take your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Notice is intended to set out your rights and answer any queries you may have about your personal information. If you need more information, please contact: PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.com or infochina@bsigroup.com, or call 400 005 0046.

如果您和其中一个BSI中国的子公司签订合同,那么您合同中规定的BSI实体和/或您额外同意的BSI公司将作为处理您信息的实体。提请您注意,您一旦和中国境外的BSI公司签订合同,即表示您同意将您的信息跨境传输到中国境外。出于履行该等合同的需要, 与您签约的BSI公司可能与其他 BSI实体共享您的信息,而不再单独征求您的同意。

If you have entered into a contract with one of BSI China subsidiaries, the processing entity of your information will be the BSI entity stated in your contract and/or the BSI company to which you provide any additional consent. Please note that by signing a contract with a BSI company outside of China, you have granted consent to transfer your information to outside of China. The BSI company may, for the necessity to perform such contract, share your information with other BSI entities without seeking your consent separately.

我们的个人信息处理政策和程序是根据中国的《网络安全法》(“网安法”)、《数据安全法》(“数安法”)和《个人信息保护法》(“个保法”)制定的。作为 BSI的子公司,我们同样需要遵守可能适用于BSI这家全球运营企业的其他数据保护法律,特别是《欧盟通用数据保护条例》((EU)2016/679)(“GDPR”)和《英国通用数据保护条例》。《英国通用数据保护条例》根据最新的《2018年英国欧盟(脱欧)法案》,将GDPR中的条款进行了适当的保留和修订后纳入英国法律,该等法律规定了广泛的数据保护义务。

Our personal information handling policy and procedures have been developed in line with the Cybersecurity Law (“CSL”), the Data Security Law (“DSL”) and the Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) of China. Being subsidiaries of BSI, we are also required to comply with the data protection laws that may apply to us as a globally operated business, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (the “EU GDPR”) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation which reflects the retained and amended provisions of the EU GDPR that are incorporated into UK law under the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as amended (the “UK GDPR”), as these laws establish the most expansive data protection obligations.



  1. What personal information do we collect?


1.1 We collect and process personal information about you when you interact with us and our products and when you purchase goods and services from us. The personal information we process includes:

  • 您的姓名;
  • 用户名和密码;
  • 家庭或工作地址、电子邮箱和/或电话号码;
  • 工作职位;
  • 邮寄地址;
  • 您用于访问我们网站的浏览器或设备相关的个人设置信息;
  • 互联网浏览器和操作系统;以及
  • 您提供的任何其他可以识别个人身份的信息。
  • name;
  • username and password;
  • home or work address, email address and/or phone number;
  • job title;
  • delivery addresses
  • personal information related to the browser or device you use to access our website;
  • internet browser and operating system; and
  • any other personal identifiable information you provide.


1.2 To enable certain functions of the website in order to provide services, we will require that you grant express consent to process sensitive personal information. “Sensitive personal information” is the personal information that once leaked, or illegally used, may easily infringe the dignity of a natural person or cause harm to personal safety and property security. “Sensitive personal information” usually includes, without limitation:

  • 您的身份证和/或护照号码;
  • 诸如血型等生物识别信息;
  • 电信通信记录和内容;
  • 财产详情;
  • 银行账户和信用卡详情;
  • 您的行踪轨迹;
  • 住宿信息;
  • 医疗健康信息。
  • identity card and/or passport number;
  • biometric identifiable information such as the blood type;
  • telecommunication records and content;
  • property details;
  • bank account and credit card details;
  • your geographic track record;
  • lodge and accommodation information;
  • medical health information


You will be solicited for an express consent separately when you access to certain functions of this website that requires to collect your sensitive personal information.



  1. How do we use this personal information and what is the legal basis for this use?


We process the personal information listed in paragraph 1.1 above, and also paragraph 1.2 upon your separate consent, for the following purposes:

  • 与您订立并履行合同,例如:您向我们购买商品或与我们签订协议以提供或接受服务。在此情形下,我们将核实您的身份、收取款项、与您沟通、提供客户服务以及安排交付或以其他方式提供产品或服务。我们需要这些信息以便与您订立合同,如果没有这些信息,我们将无法与您订立合同;
  • 为遵守适用的法律法规所需;
  • 在您明确同意的情况下,我们将回复从您处收到的关于我们的网站、产品或服务的任何意见或投诉,或调查从您或其他人处收到的关于我们的网站、产品或服务的任何投诉;
  • 在我们所享有的合法权益范围内,我们将使用您提供的信息来个性化(i)与您的通讯;(ii)我们的网站;和(iii)为您提供产品或服务;
  • 监控我们网站和在线服务的使用。在我们所享有的合法权益范围内,我们可使用您的信息来帮助我们在线上和线下检查、改进和保护我们的产品、内容、服务和网站;
  • 在适用法律所允许的维护我们合法权益的范围内,我们可能监控客户账户,以防止、调查和/或报告欺诈、恐怖主义、不实陈述、安全事故或犯罪;
  • 当您通过电话联系我们时,在我们所享有的合法权益范围内,出于质量控制、培训和安全等目的,我们可能会对通话进行录音;以及
  • 我们可使用您的信息来邀请您参与市场调研或调查。
  • to establish and fulfill a contract with you, for example, if you make a purchase from us or enter into an agreement to provide or receive services. This may include verifying your identity, taking payments, communicating with you, providing customer services and arranging the delivery or other provision of products or services. We require this information in order to enter into a contract with you and are unable to do so without it;
  • to comply with applicable law and regulation;
  • with your express consent to respond to any comments or complaints we may receive from you, or to investigate any complaints received from you or from others, about our website or our products or services;
  • we may use information you provide to personalise (i) our communications to you; (ii) our website; and (iii) products or services for you, in accordance with our legitimate interests;
  • to monitor use of our websites and online services. We may use your information to help us check, improve and protect our products, content, services and websites, both online and offline, in accordance with our legitimate interests;
  • we may monitor any customer account to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, terrorism, misrepresentation, security incidents or crime, in accordance with applicable law and our legitimate interests;
  • in circumstances where you contact us by telephone, calls may be recorded for quality, training and security purposes, in accordance with our legitimate interests; and
  • we may use your information to invite you to take part in market research or surveys.

我们可能向您发送与 BSI的产品和服务相关的直销信息。只有在您同意接收或(在法规允许的情况下)您有机会选择退出但没有这么做,我们才会向您发送电子直销信息。尽管我们的产品或服务有时会包括与第三方的合作,但我们不会向您发送第三方的产品或服务的直销信息。您只需要遵照相关通讯中的指示,即可以随时选择退订电子直销信息。

We may also send you direct marketing in relation to BSI’s relevant products and services. Electronic direct marketing will only be sent where you have given your consent to receive it, or (where this is allowed) you have been given an opportunity to opt-out. We will not send you direct marketing of third party products or services although our own products or services may on occasion include co-operation with third parties. You will continue to be able to opt-out of electronic direct marketing at any time by following the instructions in the relevant communication.



  1. With whom and where will we share your personal information?


We will not share your personal information with any third party until and unless one of the circumstances below is satisfied:

  • 经您明确授权同意;
  • 为履行我们的法定职责或法定义务所必需,例如根据法律法规的强制性要求与第三方共享、满足诉讼和争议解决的需要、满足行政或司法机关的要求或命令、与我们的审计师以及外部法律和财务顾问分享,以满足适用法律规定的某些要求;
  • 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;
  • 在合理范围内,为公共利益实施新闻报道和媒体监督的目的;
  • 在符合 个保法的合理范围内,共享您已经向公众披露的个人信息,或以其他方式已经合法披露的个人信息;
  • 为BSI集团管理和为您提供服务的目的与我们的关联公司共享您的个人信息——尽管您和BSI中国签署了合同,BSI中国所提供的产品和服务包含由我们的关联公司提供的部分。在此提请您注意,在授权我们与关联公司分享您的个人信息时,您已明确同意我们将您的个人信息分享给我们在中国境外的关联公司。我们在此保证,我们只会共享为履行上述合同之目的所必需的个人信息。如果我们需共享您的敏感个人信息或我们的关联公司可能改变使用您个人信息的目的,我们将单独征求您的明确同意,且您也有权撤回同意或选择退订相应产品或服务
  • 与已同意按照本《隐私声明》处理个人信息的营销和通讯代理、市场调研公司、搜索引擎公司和网络分析公司共享;
  • 与我们的供应商、业务合作伙伴和分包商共享,前提是该等个人信息将仅用于本《隐私声明》中已经列明的目的,确保我们提供的产品和服务能够得到适当履行;和/或
  • 根据我们与您签订的合同,仅在必要时与其他第三方共享。该等“合同”包括任何形式的合同性质的文件,无论是线上还是线下,也无论其被称为“合同”、“协议”还是其他需要您签署并允许您选择退出的公司政策性文件。
  • upon your express consent or authorization;
  • necessary to perform our legal responsibilities or obligations, such as to share according to the mandatory requirements of laws and regulations, to satisfy needs of litigations and dispute resolution, to satisfy the requests or orders from administrative or judicial authorities, to share with our statutory auditors, and to external legal and financial advisors to fulfill certain other requirements as provided in applicable law;
  • necessary to respond to a public health emergency, or in an emergency to protect the safety of individuals’ health and property;
  • to a reasonable extent, for purpose of carrying out news reporting and media monitoring for public interests;
  • sharing personal information that is already disclosed to the public by you, or otherwise lawfully disclosed, within a reasonable scope in accordance with the PIPL;
  • to share your personal information with our affiliates to process it for the purposes of inter-group administration and to deliver products or services where elements of these are provided by BSI group companies other than BSI China with which you have directly contracted. Please note that when granting us to process your personal information with affiliates, you have expressly granted us the consent to share your personal information to our affiliates outside of China. Please be rest assured that we will only share your personal information necessary to achieve the foregoing purpose. We will solicit your express consent and you are entitled to withdraw the consent or opt-out if we need to share your sensitive personal information or our affiliates change the purpose to use your personal information;
  • to share with marketing and communications agencies, market research companies, search engine and web analytics where they have agreed to process your personal information in line with this Privacy Notice;
  • our suppliers, business partners and sub-contractors only in furtherance of the purposes as provided in this Privacy Notice to ensure that the products and services offered can be duly performed; and/or
  • to share with other third party when necessary based on contract we have with you, including contractual document of any form, whether online or offline, whether it is named as a “contract”, “agreement” or a policy allowing you to sign off or opt-out.


Personal information may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law or if needed for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws. Personal information may also be shared with third party service providers who will process it on behalf of BSI for the purposes above. Such third parties include, but are not limited to, providers of website hosting, maintenance, call centre operation and identity checking.


In the event that our business or any part of it is sold or integrated with another business, we will inform you in an appropriate manner such change of business and you agree that your details will be disclosed to our advisers and those of any prospective purchaser and will be passed to the new owners of the business as long as they agree to be bound by the same responsibilities and obligations as we do and the purpose to use the information does not change.


You will be asked to read through a separate privacy statement about our policy on processing sensitive personal information when you access to certain features of this website. This is because such features are operated and/or supported by SDK (Software Development Kit) third parties run. We will take serious actions to test and monitor the data safety of such third parties and have personal information protection agreement in place with them to ensure similar measures are taken to protect your personal information.



  1. How long will you keep my personal information?


We will not keep your personal information for any purpose longer than necessary to fulfill the original or a compatible purpose. In some instances, we are required to retain certain information by law, and for as long as reasonably necessary to meet regulatory or accreditation requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions. Where this is the case, your personal information will only be processed for the relevant legitimate purpose and not used for marketing.


Where you are a customer, we will keep your personal information for the length of any contractual relationship you have with us and after that for a period of up to 3 years unless you are a customer purchasing Standards in which event we will keep your information for up to 5 years in line with the Standards lifecycle.


Where you are a prospective customer and you have expressly consented to us contacting you, we will only retain your personal information for this purpose (a) until you unsubscribe from our communications; or, if you have not unsubscribed, (b) while you interact with us and our content; or (c) for 2 years from when you last interacted with us or our content.


In the case of any contact you may have with our customer services team, we will retain your details for as long as is necessary to resolve your query and for two weeks after the query is closed.


We may retain your personal information for a time beyond the specified retention period, to allow for information to be reviewed and any deletion to take place. After it is no longer necessary for us to retain your personal information, we dispose of it securely according to our Document & Information Retention Policy.


  1. Where is my information stored?


The personal information that we collect or generated in the territory of China will be retained in China, except:

  • 法律法规另有规定;
  • 经您单独明确同意或授权;和/或
  • 为履行您自愿发起的某些跨境业务所必需,例如购买中国境外发布的标准,以及购买 BSI关联方在海外推出的在线培训课程。
  • otherwise provided by law and regulation;
  • upon your specific and express consent or authorization; and/or
  • as necessary to facilitate certain cross-border transactions you voluntarily initiate, such as purchase of Standards published outside of China and purchase of online training course launched by BSI affiliates overseas.


Further information may be obtained from our Privacy Team.  



  1. What are my rights in relation to my personal information?


You have the right to ask us not to process your personal information for marketing purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your information, clicking the unsubscribe button on any communication we have sent to you or by contacting us.


Where you have consented to us using your personal information, you can withdraw that consent at any time.


If the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can notify us and ask us to correct or supplement it.


You also have the right, with some exceptions and qualifications, to ask us to provide a copy of any personal information we hold about you.


Where you have provided your information to us and it is processed by automated means, you may be able to request that we provide it to you in a structured, machine readable format.  


If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, you may be able to ask us to restrict how we use your personal information while your complaint is resolved. In some circumstances you can ask us to erase your personal information (a) by withdrawing your consent for us to use it; (b) if it is no longer necessary for us to use your personal information; (c) if you object to the use of your personal information and we don't have a good reason to continue to use it; or (d) if we haven't handled your personal information in accordance with our obligations.


7.您在哪里可以找到关于 BSI处理个人信息的更多信息?

  1. Where can I find more information about BSI’s handling of my information?

如果您对本隐私保护声明有任何疑问,或对 BSI处理您的个人信息的方式有任何疑问,或希望行使您的权利,您可以使用以下电子邮件地址联系BSI隐私保护团队:PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.cominfochina@bsigroup.com,或拨打400 005 0046。我们将及时给予回复。

Should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Notice, about BSI's processing of your personal information or wish to exercise your rights you can contact BSI’s Privacy Team using this email address: PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.com or infochina@bsigroup.com or call 400 005 0046. We will try to respond in a timely manner.


If you are not happy with our response, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the competent office of China’s Administration of Cybersecurity, or bring a lawsuit in the People’s court in Beijing with competent jurisdiction.



欢迎访问 BSI中国主页。本网页由英标管理体系认证(北京)有限公司和 英标认证技术培训(北京)有限公司(单独或合称为“BSI中国”)所有和运营。我们的目的在于向您介绍 BSI中国并为您提供本地服务。BSI中国由英国标准机构(“BSI”)在中国的子公司和分公司组成。 BSI是一家专门从事认证及相关业务的全球运营公司。如果您对 BSI在其他国家和地区的关联实体的工作、职位感兴趣,请参阅您感兴趣的工作、职位所在国家或地区的网页。

Welcome to the main page of BSI China. This is the webpage owned and operated by BSI Management Systems Certification (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and BSI Certification Technology Training (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (individually and collectively, “BSI China”), and is intended to introduce BSI China and provide you with services available in this country. BSI China consists of subsidiaries and branches in China of The British Standards Institution (“BSI”), which is a globally operated company specializing in certification and related businesses. If you are interested in jobs and positions with BSI’s entities in other countries and regions, please refer to the webpage of such country or region of your interest.


Unless we inform you otherwise during the recruitment process, BSI China company with whom you apply for a job or position will be your personal information processor and will be the company to which you provide your consent for the processing of your personal information.

我们的个人信息处理政策和程序是根据中国的《网络安全法》(“网安法”)、《数据安全法》(“数安法”)和《个人信息保护法》(“个保法”)制定的。作为 BSI的子公司,我们同样需要遵守可能适用于BSI这家全球运营企业的其他数据保护法律,特别是《欧盟通用数据保护条例》((EU)2016/679)(“GDPR”)和《英国通用数据保护条例》。《英国通用数据保护条例》根据最新的《2018年英国欧盟(脱欧)法案》,将GDPR中的条款进行了适当的保留和修订后纳入英国法律,该等法律规定了广泛的数据保护义务。

Our personal information handling policy and procedures have been developed in line with the Cybersecurity Law (“CSL”), the Data Security Law (“DSL”) and the Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) of China. Being subsidiaries of BSI, we are also required to comply with the data protection laws that may apply to us as a globally operated business, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (the “EU GDPR”) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation which reflects the retained and amended provisions of the EU GDPR that are incorporated into UK law under the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as amended (the “UK GDPR”), as these laws establish the most expansive data protection obligations.



  1. What personal information do we collect and process?


We collect and process personal information about you when you apply for a job with us. The personal information we process includes:


  1. Personal identifiable information:
  • 您的姓名、家庭地址、电子邮件地址和/或电话号码;
  • 您的出生日期、性别、国籍;
  • 您的教育和工作经历;
  • 您的简历或您向我们提交的其他文件或信息中包含的其他信息;
  • 候选人选拔过程中的信息(如有);
  • 与您早前工作相关的介绍信和评估报告;和
  • 有关您对本公司的意见的资料。
  • your name, home address, email address and/or phone numbers;
  • your date of birth, gender, nationality;
  • your educational and employment history;
  • other information contained within your CV or other documents or information you submit to us;
  • information from the selection process, if any;
  • references and assessments relating to your work for previous employers; and
  • information relating to your feedback on our organisation.


  1. With your specific consent which is granted by you when you fulfil and sign-off the “Registration Form” electronically following the link below and click the “I Agree” button at the end of this policy, or by physically submitting the “Registration Form” to a BSI China representative, sensitive personal information: 
  • 您的民族、残疾情况、宗教、性取向及其他与我们鼓励员工多样化政策相关的信息;
  • 您的家庭成员中年龄不超过14岁的未成年人的信息;
  • 医疗和财务信息(当您提供时)
  • 确认您的身份和工作权利的信息,例如您的身份证和/或护照的复印件
  • 任何尚未执行完毕的刑事处罚详情;
  • 一旦泄露或被非法使用,容易导致自然人的人格尊严受到侵害或者人身、财产安全受到危害的任何其他个人信息。
  • your ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation and other diversity-related information;
  • your family information involving the minor no more than the age of 14;
  • medical and financial information (where you provide this to us);
  • information to confirm your identity and right to work, such as a copy of your ID card and/or passport;
  • details of any unspent criminal convictions;
  • any other personal information that once leaked, or illegally used, may easily infringe the dignity of a natural person or cause harm to personal safety and property security


  1. What is the source of this information?


We obtain this information directly from you, our personnel, through our systems and equipment, as well as from third parties such as recruitment agencies, background checking companies or former employers. We may also obtain it from your public profiles available online.


  1. How do we use this information and what is the legal basis for this use?


  • 为使我们能够遵守法律和监管义务;
  • 作出招聘决定;
  • 防止和识别欺诈和其他不当行为;
  • 确立、行使或保护我们的合法权利;以及
  • 管控风险。

We process the personal information listed in paragraph 1 Section A above for the following purposes only in accordance with our legitimate interests:

  • to enable us to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • to make recruitment decisions;
  • to prevent and detect fraud and other wrongdoing;
  • to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights; and
  • to manage risk.


We process the sensitive personal information listed in paragraph 1 Section B above only in relation to the recruitment purpose at a “necessary” basis, and we will use available data-masking technologies to de-sensitise the sensitive personal information during our process to protect your privacy to the extent possible.



  1. With whom and where will we share your personal data?

如果您受雇成为BSI中国的员工或合同制审核员,我们可能出于 BSI集团内部管理的目的与集团内关联公司共享您的个人信息,该等共享可能涉及跨境传输个人信息。请参阅您的工作和职位申请表以获取更多信息。

If you are hired as an employee or a contractor of BSI China, we may share your personal information for the purposes of intra-group administration of BSI, which may require cross-border transfer of your personal information. Please refer to your application form for job and position for more details.


We may also share your personal information with our professional advisors such as our auditors and external legal and financial advisors in China.


Personal information may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if mandated by law or if needed for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.


Personal data may also be shared with third party service providers who will process it on behalf of BSI China for the purposes above.


In the event that any part of our business is sold or integrated with another business, we will inform you in an appropriate manner such change of business and you agree that your details may be disclosed to our advisors and those of any prospective purchaser and would be passed to the new owners of the business as long as they agree to be bound by the same responsibilities and obligations as we do and the purpose to use the information does not change.


  1. How long will you keep my personal information?



We will not keep your personal information for longer than is necessary and will only retain the personal information that is necessary to fulfil the purpose. We are also required to retain certain information by law or if it is reasonably necessary to meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions.


We will keep the personal information connected to your job application (including any interview records) for 6 months from the date of their creation by BSI China or receipt from you. If your application is successful and you become a member of staff we will provide you with a copy of the Staff Privacy Notice. The retention periods referred to therein will apply to your personal data during your employment.



  1. Where is my personal information stored?


  • 法律法规另有规定;
  • 经您单独明确同意或授权;和/或
  • 为履行您自愿发起的某些跨境申请所需,例如您向 BSI海外分支机构申请工作或职位。


The personal information that we collect or generated in the territory of China will be retained in China, except

  • otherwise provided by law and regulation;
  • upon your specific and express consent or authorization; and/or
  • as necessary to facilitate certain cross-border transactions you voluntarily initiate, such as your application of a job or position with BSI affiliates overseas.

Further information may be obtained from our Privacy Team. 


  1. What are my rights in relation to my personal information?


Where you have consented to us using your personal information, you can withdraw that consent at any time.


If the information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can notify us and ask us to correct or supplement it.


You also have the right, with some exceptions, to ask us to provide a copy of any personal information we hold about you.


Where you have provided your information to us and it is processed by automated means, you may be able to request that we provide it to you in a structured, machine readable format.  


If you have a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, you may be able to ask us to restrict how we use your personal information while your complaint is resolved. In some circumstances you can ask us to erase your personal information (a) by withdrawing your consent for us to use it; (b) if it is no longer necessary for us to use your personal information; (c) you object to the use of your personal information and we don't have a good reason to continue to use it; or (d) we haven't handled your personal information in accordance with our obligations.

8.您在哪里可以找到关于 BSI处理个人信息的更多信息?

  1. Where can I find more information about BSI’s handling of my information?

如果您对本隐私保护声明有任何疑问,或对 BSI处理您的个人信息的方式有任何疑问,或希望行使您的权利,您可以使用以下电子邮件地址联系 BSI隐私保护团队: PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.cominfochina@bsigroup.com,或拨打400 005 0046。我们将及时给予回复。

Should you have any queries regarding this Privacy Notice, about BSI's processing of your personal information or wish to exercise your rights you can contact BSI’s Privacy Team using this email address: PrivacyTeam@bsigroup.com or infochina@bsigroup.com or call 400 005 0046. We will try to respond in a timely manner.


If you are not happy with our response, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the competent office of China’s Administration of Cybersecurity, or bring a lawsuit in the People’s court in Beijing with competent jurisdiction.