Enhanced accessibility for optimized planning

Increased time efficiencies

Streamline communication with our intuitive interface

BSI Connect Portal

BSI Connect Portal

Our collaborative and self-service audit hub

Building on the success of the BSI Connect Portal*, we have enhanced features to increase our planning and scheduling capabilities to create a more interactive planning process. This allows us to build a hybrid audit programme that meets your new ways of working, the requirements and risks of your audit, contribute to your sustainability goals and engage your teams as efficiently as possible.

Enhanced accessibility for optimized planning

  • With maximum audit plan visibility, clients can easily provide iterative feedback as the audit progresses
  • Audit plans can be shared securely and in detail with relevant personnel for improved planning and client logistics
  • Pre-assessing a client's technical interface helps create a successful, secure connection

Increased time efficiencies

  • Time saving features like automated alerts and scheduling enables clients to always remain on time with tasks
  • Our scheduling enables clients to log action items, follow-up requests and more
  • Audit reports and other critical documents are shared instantly with all participants

Streamline communication with our intuitive interface

  • An easy-to-use client interface helps streamline data input and planning
  • Standardized client data makes essential information more legible

Enhanced accessibility for optimized planning

Increased time efficiencies

Streamline communication with our intuitive interface

Accurately assign resources for efficiency

Reduce carbon footprint

Designate delivery method

Connect and engage global expertise

Audit plan

Audit plan

Optimizing processes to streamline delivery

BSI helps you plan an audit that is more detailed, streamlined and automated than non-hybrid models. We work closely with you to ensure your audit is designed in a way that best meets your needs, minimizes disruption and leverages a global network of trusted experts, ready to bring perspective and expertise to your audit.

Accurately assign resources for efficiency

  • With a clear approach to planning and a view of available resources, we can deliver the audit more effectively
  • Immersive technologies best suited to the business or client needs are selected, whether for international meetings, viewing on-site activity remotely, or aerial imaging

Reduce carbon footprint

  • The hybrid audit programme can contribute significantly towards your company’s sustainability targets. We will calculate the carbon footprint of our auditing service and will share the results to aid you in reporting on sustainability

Designate delivery method

  • Once the audit programme and plan is agreed, roles and tasks are assigned through BSI Connect Portal

Connect and engage global expertise

  • Once audit team members and SMEs are selected, their locations are pinpointed to identify participants who may be working across different time zones

Accurately assign resources for efficiency

Reduce carbon footprint

Designate delivery method

Connect and engage global expertise

Level 1: Live web streaming technology

Level 2: Live streaming with mobile technology

Level 3: Live streaming paired with smartglass technology

Level 3: Live streaming paired with smartglass technology

Immersive technology

Immersive technology

Leveraging innovative, adaptable solutions

Our hybrid auditing solutions empower clients to be more efficient and adaptable. With web streaming, smartglasses, drone cameras and more, BSI optimizes audit outcomes while reducing travel time by up to 40%. This full-service experience – designed to draw more easily on specialist expertise – gives SMEs and other key partners the confidence to verify information throughout the audit, wherever they are.

Level 1: Live web streaming technology

  • This facilitates connected learning, live interviews and meetings, and procedure reviews – all of which are recorded and documented through secure sharing platforms

Level 2: Live streaming with mobile technology

  • Widely used today, mobile streaming technology connects us to the client at one or multiple sites in real-time
  • This enables virtual site tours and a closer, real-time observation of the progress of audit activities

Level 3: Live streaming paired with smartglass technology

  • This allows for remote participants to immersively observe on-site activity. Data is also fed from these devices to our augmented-reality platform

Level 4: Drone and satellite aerial imaging and analysis

  • These offer a safe, holistic perspective on analytics, planning and lifetime digital remediation. This is especially vital when access may be limited

Level 1: Live web streaming technology

Level 2: Live streaming with mobile technology

Level 3: Live streaming paired with smartglass technology

Level 4: Drone and satellite aerial imaging and analysis

Meeting business needs

Assessing industry requirements

Situating the audit

Accreditation and audit requirements

Accreditation and audit requirements

Creating a strong foundation

To increase the value of your audit, and to give you the best platform possible for seamless delivery, BSI conducts a series of checks to ensure that your programme will comply with relevant product and certification schemes. This stage also ensures that the audit is scoped correctly and that it can progress frictionlessly.

Meeting business needs

  • Client requirements are assessed against participant locations, relevant schemes and ways of working
  • The audit is then optimized to meet the requirements of each client and reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure continued effectiveness

Assessing industry requirements

  • We’ll evaluate sector-specific requirements to ensure the audit is compliant with all accreditation bodies across more than 40 sectors, globally
  • This will be done monthly to ensure consistent compliance and risk mitigation through the whole process

Situating the audit

  • We embed critical systems and product certifications within the audit scope, ensuring that the audit can proceed without friction or missing elements
  • This will include the capture and storage of all mandatory requirements for in-person audits, making them more efficient and providing peace of mind

Meeting business needs

Assessing industry requirements

Situating the audit

Business improvement

Business improvement

Building on your audit results

An evaluation of the audit process, once complete, will be provided to our clients with recommendations and actionable next steps.

  • Effectiveness analysis. The business is assessed for its success in the audited areas according to audit and organizational criteria
  • Rules compliance. BSI measures the degree of alignment with all relevant standards
  • Sustainability metrics. Your business' sustainability is assessed against the relevant ISOs and regulatory frameworks
  • Planning and delivery analysis. BSI's own audit plan and delivery stages are evaluated for their effectiveness, with all refinement opportunities fed into future audits

Opening meeting

Document review

Stakeholder interviews

Stakeholder interviews

Stakeholder interviews

Stakeholder interviews

Hybrid audit programme delivery

Hybrid audit programme delivery

Seamlessly executing your plan

As your trusted partner, BSI commits to an audit delivery that identifies and accelerates opportunities while minimizing business disruption and environmental impact. Using all the hybrid audits tools at our disposal, we help bring productivity and wellbeing benefits to organizations by removing obstacles, from complex scheduling logistics to process duplications.

Opening meeting

  • On-site and remote participants gather to commence the audit, confirming pre-agreed details

Document review

  • Relevant business documents are checked and validated for standards compliance

Stakeholder interviews

  • Decision-makers describe their experience to relay information for the benefit of the audit, with SMEs stationed remotely or on-site to contribute where appropriate

Physical observations

  • Remote and on-site auditors both capture key audit information, whether in-person or through data gathered from immersive technology solutions

Closing meeting

  • Participants gather for an audit debrief, with further details and next steps captured and elaborated within the BSI Connect Portal

The benefits of hybrid audit delivery

  • Optimized planning delivers a faster, more seamless audit
  • Clients remain productive for the audit's duration
  • Auditors have more flexibility to make schedule changes
  • Richer data and insights are consolidated
  • Reduced travel time brings cost savings, lower emissions and wellbeing gains
  • Greater access to specialist expertise and in-demand resources

Opening meeting

Document review

Stakeholder interviews

Physical observations

Closing meeting

The benefits of hybrid audit delivery