Accessibility Statement | Committed To Our Customers

At BSI, we are committed to serving all of our customers equally. We have therefore undertaken the following actions to ensure equal access to our services from our website:

The standard font used throughout the site is Arial for easy legibility.

  • Wherever possible, we use live text instead of graphics to reduce the download time of pages and increase your control.
  • No information is exclusively conveyed using colour. This does not mean that colours are not used to organise information, instead it means there are also other, non-colour dependent ways of doing so.
  • Our pages are designed so that they are without horizontal scrollbars when they are viewed at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.
  • All images, where appropriate, have an alternative text attribute. This means that when an image is conveying important information its content is described with an alternative text. If an image is used for decorative purposes only, the text attribute for the image will be left blank.
  • Where individual features make use of functions that do not comply with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines we have made sure that there are alternative paths provided to the information.
  • A link to details of how to contact us for further information offline is provided from every page.
  • Where a process takes multiple steps to complete (for example, forms) an indication of where you are in the process and how far you have to go is provided.
  • Style of navigation remains consistent through the websites.

We have attempted to comply with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This is specifically with regard to Priority 1 guidelines and, where possible, Priority 2 guidelines. The elements covered by the Priority 3 guidelines are not, in most cases used by our website, however as the website develops such functions we will aim for compliance at this level.

We are committed to a process of ongoing improvement and are working to ensure all content is developed under the guidelines outlined above.

If you have difficulty accessing the site or have any comments or feedback on how we can improve your online experience, please do not hesitate to contact BSI customer services.